How it Works

You will have an initial telemedicine, in person or telephonic visit with a specially trained Nurse Practitioner. Your Nurse Practitioners’ primary responsibility during your comprehensive visit is to:

  • Ensure you are receiving any services you are entitled to or are needed to provide you with the best possible care.
  • Identify and address gaps in your care.
  • Ensure your records are accurate and up to date and your Annual Wellness Visit and other Medicare requirements have been completed.
  • Listen to your concerns and help you achieve your health goals.
  • Make sure you understand your care and work with you to reduce your out-of-pocket health care expenses.
  • Help make sure remote patient monitoring, chronic care management or other services that may be beneficial to your health are made available at no additional cost to you.
  • Review screenings, labs, and other services needed, while answering your questions and addressing your needs.
  • Explain your benefits and eligibility for your on-going care with your regular doctor(s).
  • Answer your questions, make sure you understand your care and provide the resources you may need.

Seniors with multiple health conditions, chronic conditions or in need of ongoing assistance, we will provided a nurse for you to work with on a regular basis, at no cost to you. Your nurse will be available to you as often as you may need. Your nurse’s primary responsibility is to:

  • Coordinate information and referrals between your entire care team.
  • Work with you regularly on your care plan, health care goals and health concerns.
  • Ensure you have timely access to your care team.
  • Provide disease specific education and preventive health services.
  • Monitor your health and help reduce emergency room visits and hospital admissions.
  • Help reduce the expenses you currently pay for your care.
  • Help you achieve your health goals and improve your current quality of life.

Your nurse will also determine if it will be beneficial for your care for you to receive Remote Patient Monitoring services, through a convenient app that works directly through your phone to monitor vital health metrics like blood pressure and heart rate, 24/7 and sends readings directly to your care team for them to monitor live in real time. Convenient: Data goes straight to your healthcare team without extra visits. This Advanced Technology: Syncs with devices like Freestyle Libre and tracks A1C, heart risk, and more. You also receive instant notifications for important health changes.

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